

The Central Library of AGC since its inception in May 2002 has been on the road of development on daily basis. The library houses in 625 sq. ft. area of the College campus and consists of an adequately rich collection of books and literatures, rich with the collection of over 67, 500 books. In addition, a digital library is the part of the main central library and has access to 22 computers and more than 400 non-printed materials for the fulfillment of requirement of the students.

1.Library Collection

The Central Library of ACET is adequately rich in its collection of books catering to most of the branches of knowledge especially in engineering, management studies and computer application. There is a collection of more than 67, 500books (Text, References and General) in the Library.

2.Periodical Section

The periodical section is subscribing more than 43 journals in print form 191 E-journals under IEEE Consortium and 34 magazines (technical and general) along with the 17 prominent dailies.

3.Technical Section

Central Library has set up a technical section where all the books are well processed. All the books are classified and cataloged according to the 23rd Edition of DDC and AACR-II respectively.

4.Periodical Section

The periodical section is subscribing more than 43 journals in print form 191 E-journals under IEEE Consortium and 34 magazines (technical and general) along with the 17 prominent dailies.

5.Reading area

It has a seating capacity of about 200 students at a time. The library has three reading halls.

6.Digital Library

We are living in an age of information explosion where it has become almost impossible for any library or information centre to acquire and store all the literature even in single field. Keeping the same thing in mind the College authorities have decided to set up a Digital Library and has got the membership of DELNET. A Digital Library is a library where reading material is kept in the form of CDs, DVDs, databases and in other microforms. And the same is accessed with the help of computers. Our Digital Library has 22 well equipped computer systems and more than 400 non print materials covering various subjects.

Central Library has set up a cell for Digital Library within its premises. It works in two parts i.e. E-learning and DELNET. E-Learning is an on-line education program where the students can access various presentations, seminars, lectures etc. On the other hand, DELNET is a Developing Library Network which is highly helpful for resource sharing.

7.Circulation Section

The central library strictly follows the management principle i.e. the spirit of hive. Therefore, we are continuously available from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm for the issue and return of the books. Library follows the “Browne Charging System” for the circulation, wherein 4 tickets are issued to each student and all the College employees are entitled to get 5 books issued.

HOD Library ACET